It's time to review Diabetes Masterclass – which is a 6-parts course.
As its name tells, it's designed to improve diabetes through some special methods.
In fact – it's probably the best diabetes course you can get:
- based on some unique concepts
- lots of people that swear by it
- really affordable
But let me give you all the details behind it in the following lines.
Note: This review is based on my opinion + research on Diabetes Masterclass.
Review Summary
Full Name: Diabetes Masterclass by Dr. Scott Saunders
Product Type: Diabetes/Blood Sugar Book
Best Actual Prize: Around $20
Cheapest Place To Buy: Its official website
Designed For: Improving diabetes naturally – it promises to:
- lower insulin levels
- reducing weight and improving metabolism
- prevent insulin resistance
The course itself claims to be able to reverse diabetes (in some cases).
However – that's pretty unlikely.
But even so, its methods are still effective for lowering high blood sugar.
My Rating: 9 out of 10 – It's the best diabetes course I know
Recommended?: For sure – it can really help your diabetes:
- can reduce high blood sugar and glucose
- excellent quality/price
- really safe to try
It cannot reverse diabetes completely (as it claims), though.
If you want something that works faster – I recommend an internal product.
But this course has a really good strategy to try against your diabetes, so I really recommend it.
What I Liked About It
- Based on some unique methods and recommendations
- Really helpful in many cases
- Lots of satisfied users behind
- Doesn't cause any side effects
- Really affordable for its value
- Comes with a full year money back guarantee
- Offers 4 diabetes e-books as a bonus
What I Didn't Like About It
- Only available on its official website
- Claims to be able to reverse diabetes, which is pretty unlikely
- Not many real user opinions outside its official page
Why It's The #1 Diabetes Course/Book
In short – Diabetes Masterclass makes my top recommended diabetes course/book.
That's because of several advantages it has over its competitors:
- Based on a more natural approach.
- Really safe to try (no regular side effects).
- Extremely affordable for the quality.
In other words, the recommendations from this course are very practical.
This means they don't only improve diabetes on paper – but in reality as well.
However, don't expect it to reverse your diabetes (as it sometimes claims).
This may be possible in some cases – but it's very rare.
Still, the methods it uses are extremely helpful for existing symptoms.
Plus, they can actually lower your blood sugar really well.
Since this course has so many satisfied users behind it, it's surely good.
In fact, it has way more praises than most.
That's why I consider it the best diabetes book/course I know.
#1 – How It Works & Producer
Let's begin with some general things on this course:
- how exactly it works
- what methods it promotes
- who is its creator
1. How It Works
Shortly – Diabetes Masterclass is a 6-parts video course, based on 3 main steps:
- “20 Grams” Method
- Strategic Fasting
- Meal Structure
Additionally, there are many other extra tips and recommendations:
- meal plans and foods choices
- special exercises
- suitable supplements
Now – the goal of this course is to help people reverse their diabetes.
And it has a lot of satisfied previous users behind (with many reviews).
It's true that it has a chance to reverse diabetes in certain people.
But in most cases – it will not:
- diabetes cannot be reversed that easily
- it can take many months/years to have a constant blood sugar value
- some special methods cannot completely cure this disease
So even though the course is very effective, it won't reverse diabetes.
Its unbelievable claims are the only thing I dislike about it.
Other than that – its methods can have a big impact on your diabetes.
So despite its flaws, it's still worth giving a try.
2. Producer
Diabetes Masterclass' creator is Dr. Scott Saunders:
- certified physician
- a lot of info available about him online
- several contact details
Now, it's obvious that Dr. Saunders is a real specialist.
Many courses and diabetes books are written by so-called doctors that aren't even real.
So it's obvious that they are all scams.
But in this case – Dr. Saunders has a lot of info and certifications behind him.
Plus, he is stated to be the author of this diabetes course in many websites.
So the methods from this course are surely created by a specialist.
That's why Diabetes Masterclass looks really trustworthy.
#2 – Course Content (8 out of 10)
Diabetes Masterclass brings in a “Diabetes Reversal Plan” made of 3 phases:
- Getting your blood sugar levels back to normal (Phase 1)
- Reintroducing meals (Phase 2)
- Keeping blood sugar levels optimal for life (Phase 3)
Now – the content of this course is focused around the 3 phases.
You start with the first and you begin the next one once you reach all the goals from the previous phase.
Additionally, there are some extra remedies and supplements.
But let's take a closer look at all of them.
1. Phase 1
This phase's goal is to reach a fasting blood sugar level under 100 mg/dL in a test.
In order to do this – Diabetes Masterclass uses several techniques:
- Recommends certain food categories
- Brings in some recipes based on several super-foods
- Promotes the elimination of certain ingredients
- Offers a 7-days meal plan
Additionally – it also recommends several supplements.
One of them is CinnaChroma, a product I don't consider very worth buying.
For this reason, I wouldn't necessarily advise you to buy the supplements from this course.
They are probably made by a brand working with Dr. Scott Saunders.
So if you want to try a better product either way, Gluco Cleanse Tea is a much better option.
Back to phase 1 – it's supposed to last 2-4 weeks.
In some cases, it may take more (until your body responds).
But once your fasting glucose is stable under 100 mg/dL, you can move on the the second phase.
2. Phase 2
When it comes to its goals, this phase is a bit more complicated.
That's because it's focused on several objectives:
- Maintaining glucose levels under 100 mg/dL.
- Getting them even to 75-80 mg/dL (optimal).
- Increasing daily carbohydrates (glucose levels should stay low, ideally).
This step gives out a lot more details about your eating habits, schedule, etc.
Besides, it also recommends certain exercises and activities.
Once you reach its 3 goals, you can move on to the last phase.
3. Phase 3
The last step is focused on maintaining these results for the rest of your life.
It's focused on teaching your body to get used to your current routine.
Obviously – this phase also comes with recommendations related to:
- eating habits
- physical activity
- certain diets that are popular in diabetes
Overall – it's more of an extended summary of lifestyle changes.
4. Natural Remedies For Diabetes
This step is made from several recommendations about:
- herbal supplements (CinnaChroma)
- certain ingredients (chromium, selenium, etc.)
- vitamins/minerals (vitamin D, calcium, etc.)
- several herbs (cinnamon, Ginkgo Biloba, etc.)
It also presents several herbal remedies and ancient solutions against diabetes.
Now – these remedies are surely helpful.
But as I said, you can find them in many supplements (not just in the one they recommend – CinnaChroma).
So I wouldn't advise you to buy the exact products from this book.
Just look at the top ingredients and choose a product that contains them (in a better combination).
If you want my advice – Gluco Cleanse Tea is a way better product in terms of formula (but not the only one).
Diabetes Masterclass comes in with a very helpful content.
Its recommendations are unique and they are based on natural remedies/ingredients.
So all in all – I would advise you to give this course a try.
Its content is worth giving a shot.
#3 – Results (8 out of 10)
The best way to see how a product works is by looking at its user feedback.
And that's also available for courses (not just for supplements).
But fortunately – Diabetes Masterclass has a lot of user opinions behind.
Note: I only analyzed real reviews, not fake/promotional ones.
1. What People Say
Now – this course is only sold on its official website:
- no fake versions available online
- no similar versions on retailers
For this reason – most of its reviews are listed out on its official page.
It's true that I tend to avoid opinions there (because they can be biased).
But in this case, I have no choice.
Still – the reviews given out there seem pretty authentic.
So let's see what previous users say about this course:
- A lot of people state their blood sugar dropped after several weeks/months.
- Others say it helped them lose weight.
- Some others praise its excellent tips and advice.
- A few people even claim they managed to give up one of their prescription drugs.
Now – the results depend from user to user.
But most previous users seem to be very satisfied with this course.
Again – it won't reverse diabetes in most people, as this is pretty much impossible.
But it can definitely help tremendously.
Considering its really affordable price, I would totally recommend it.
Diabetes Masterclass has a pretty positive user feedback.
It's true that it doesn't have many user opinions outside its official page.
But judging after its quality and results – it seems to be really worth it.
That's why it's the diabetes book/course I recommend most.
#4 – Side Effects (10 out of 10)
One of the best part about books and courses is that they rarely have any side effects:
no internal ingredients
- very safe overall
On the other hand – supplements have a much higher risk of side reactions.
However, some courses can also affect your health.
That's mostly available if their methods/recommendations are harmful.
But when it comes to Diabetes Masterclass – that's surely not the case:
- No complaints on side effects.
- No user mentioned anything about worsening symptoms.
- All methods presented are natural and very safe.
- None of the 3 steps uses dangerous ingredients.
So this course has a big advantage over supplements.
If you're not ready to try an internal product, going for this course is the best option.
#5 – Price (10 out of 10)
Considering the useful info it offers – Diabetes Masterclass is quite cheap.
That's why I consider it a really good deal overall.
But let's take a closer look at its pricing and what it offers.
1. The Exact Price
As I said – Diabetes Masterclass is only sold on its official page.
So there's no way to purchase it anywhere else (not even a fake version):
- Its price is $19.97.
- You get a lifetime access to the course (and its updated).
- You get 4 other bonuses for free.
Now – the bonuses includes 4 different diabetes books:
- The Low Blood Sugar Cookbook
- The Carb Counting Cheat Sheet
- Grocery Shopping For Diabetics
- The Dr. Saunders Remedy Library
According to the official website – all these books cost over $100 together.
But they are offered for free with this course.
So you're basically getting 5 products (one course + 4 e-books) for $20.
That's what I call a good deal.
2. Worth Or Not?
Considering its quality/price ratio, Diabetes Masterclass is surely worth it:
- really affordable
- extremely valuable
- worth giving a shot
As I said – this course alone won't reverse your diabetes (as it claims).
But it can surely benefit your condition and decrease your blood sugar levels.
And since there's a high chance that it helps you – why not give it a try?
Its price is literally a bargain – plus, you get 4 extra books for free.
In terms of price, Diabetes Masterclass is really affordable.
Given the info it offers, it makes an excellent deal overall.
That's why I would surely advise you to give it a try.
You can gain a lot for just $20.
#6 – Final Conclusion
Here's how I would sum up my opinion on Diabetes Masterclass.
1. Very Helpful
According to its claims – this course can even reverse type 2 diabetes.
However, I wouldn't go that far:
- can reduce blood sugar
- improves diabetes symptoms
- may indeed reverse diabetes (but in rare cases)
If you ask me – I would say that this course can improve your condition tremendously.
But it will not cure/reverse your diabetes.
As long as you don't expect miracles from it – it's a really helpful product.
2. Really Affordable
Considering its quality, Diabetes Masterclass is extremely cheap:
- costs $20 for a lifetime access
- there are no extra fees
So it makes a good option even for people on a budget.
That's why it's worth giving a try (especially if you can't afford pricier supplements).
3. 4 Books For Free
Despite its low price, Diabetes Masterclass also comes with some gifts.
It offers 4 diabetes e-books for free.
Their total value is over $100 – so the deal is even better.
My Verdict – Worth Or Not?
Short answer: Definitely worth it.
It's by far the best diabetes course/book I looked into:
- Based on some original methods.
- Lots of satisfied users behind it.
- Its recommendations can really improve diabetes.
- Really affordable.
- Comes with a really helpful bonus (4 diabetes e-books).
- Has a full year money-back guarantee.
Again – this course cannot reverse diabetes, as it claims.
If you ask me, its promises are a bit too optimistic.
But its methods can definitely have a positive impact on your condition.
So considering its quality/price ratio, it's a course I would definitely recommend.
To be honest – it's one of the few courses I would actually recommend.
But all in all, I really advise you to give it a try.
For $20 and a full year guarantee, you will surely not be sorry.
Yoga Momma here. Ever since I discovered the beauty of yoga, I didn’t trust any supplements anymore. It helped me achieve healthy body and mind. I want to share that I had a history of very high blood sugar levels and all I did was to eat less food. Specific foods with high glycemic index. After years of avoiding sugar, I achieve normal level of my blood sugar. I got paranoid yesterday due to overthinking. What if my blood sugar levels will spike up again? I don’t want to take supplements anymore as part of my devotion to my body, I don’t want to take chemicals in my body anymore. Do you think Diabetes Masterclass will help me lower my blood sugar levels, how will it help me if it’s only just a course? How can it go internally if it is just a book and video courses? It’s normal to be hesitant, right? So pardon me for asking these questions.
Hello, Yoga Momma! I’m so glad you found peace in doing yoga. In my view, Diabetes Masterclass will help you achieve balanced blood sugar levels as long as you follow and finish the course seriously. If you ask me, it’s a good alternative for those people who are still hesitant in taking oral supplements. Now, Diabetes Masterclass suggests 3 phases. Basically, the overall goal of the course is to introduce proper diet, physical activities or exercise and how to maintain balanced blood sugar levels by forming a good routine. In your case, I don’t think you’ll have problems following the course at all since you’re already doing yoga which is composed of several classes. So if you can follow that then Diabetes Masterclass will be easy for you. Hope this helps!
This is absurd! How can a book really help with lowering blood glucose?
It doesn’t penetrate the body so how come it can lower blood glucose?
Your website said “supplement advice” but you promote a product which, by the way, is not a supplement at all!
Really? I think I will just waste my time even thinking of trying it.
So did you just recommend it because you have a link to their website?
I firmly believe in a real supplement and not just a book I see online.
A supplement really goes into your bloodstream and it will give real effects.
Guys, you need a real cure and a book does not really do that.
Really? A book…..
Hi, Eunica! Yes, Diabetes/Blood Sugar Books don’t penetrate the body to lower blood sugar levels, obviously. But most of them are courses that introduce several routines such as diet plans, proper exercise, what or what not to eat and eating schedule. Also, they provide informative lessons about diabetes, blood sugar and the causes of high blood glucose levels. So it might not be internal medicine, but it’s still pretty helpful. A very good example is Diabetes Masterclass which is a full course to help you achieve balance blood sugar levels. Now, we mainly review supplements on this website so I hope you have some time to check them out. But we also want to provide other alternatives that we think can also be beneficial for other people. Hope this helps!
After reading your very informative article about Diabetes Masterclass, I really wanted to try it. My only problem is do they ship here in Japan? To be honest, I don’t like treatments here for high blood glucose. I badly need one because I’ve been unstable since last month but I don’t want to go straight to taking oral medications. I still believe I can find a light remedy for the condition I have right now. As we all know, Japan offers different types of food and desserts are one of them. Since I grew up here, just imagine how many desserts I consumed growing up. I have a sweet tooth so double the amount of dessert a normal person consumes. Yesterday, I got my blood glucose checked and it’s above normal, the doctor prescribed me medicine. I still got the prescription but I didn’t buy the medicines because I really wanted to try Diabetes Masterclass. Do they ship here in Japan?
Hello, Kikay! I looked into their website and yes, they do ship internationally. But you might need to wait around 2 weeks or more before it arrived in Japan. If your country requires custom fees, you need to shoulder that too. In my view, if your health condition has been unstable and needs immediate care right away, you should follow the prescribed medicines your healthcare professional gave you. You can always purchase Diabetes Masterclass. I believe it can still help you stay on track even after taking the prescription medicines given to you. So please take care and avoid desserts in the meantime until you reached normal blood sugar levels. Hope this helps!