4 Best Treatments For Rheumatoid & Psoriatic Arthritis Pain

4 Best Treatments For Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain (Natural Remedies)

Are you struggling with RA pain? Your prescribed drugs don't help as much as you were hoping?

Well – you should try a more natural approach.

Here are the 4 best treatments for rheumatoid & psoriatic arthritis pain:

  • all are based on natural ingredients
  • long history of positive results in RA/PsA
  • lots of satisfied users
  • very few side effects reported

So if you want to try an alternative besides your prescribed treatment, these are my top recommendations.

Note: 1) These 4 natural treatments should be used together for best results. Each of them is very easy to follow, since it's a natural remedy.

2) Make sure you don't give up your prescription drugs while using these treatments. 

My #1 Recommendation – Turmeric

1. How It Helps: It's the best anti-inflammatory herb on the market:

  • decreases pain and swollen joints
  • fastest effect among all herbs
  • effective for most cases of RA

2. Best Way To Use It: Supplement (Pills)

3. My #1 Recommended Product: Turmeric Plus from VitaBalance

This is the secret weapon when dealing with an auto-immune condition like RA.

If there's one natural remedy that works best for rheumatoid arthritis – it's surely turmeric.

1. How It Helps

This herb can make real miracles for RA/PsA:

  1. Strongest anti-inflammatory power among all herbs. [1]
  2. Pain relieving effect appears very fast. [2]
  3. Really easy to find in most countries.
  4. Extremely affordable in any form (pills, powder, etc.).

So what makes turmeric such a good remedy for RA/PsA?

It's actually its anti-inflammatory proprieties – which are probably the best among all natural remedies.

For this reason, turmeric has been used against RA/PsA (and inflammatory pain) for centuries.

That's why it's the best natural treatment you could ever use.

2. How To Use It

So how could you use turmeric?

  1. Organic Powder
  2. Supplement

Out of these 2 – I strongly recommend the last version (supplements):

  • higher dosages
  • effect appears much faster
  • much better absorption 
  • more options to choose from

Using turmeric as a powder may not lead to positive results.

The powder contains regular turmeric (which is very poorly absorbed).

On the other hand – most supplements contain an absorption booster, which increases absorption with up too 200%. 

That's why using a supplement instead of a powder is crucial.

3. My #1 Recommended Product

My Turmeric Curcumin Plus Review (2019) - My #1 Choice For InflammationSo what exact turmeric supplement should you use?

My #1 recommendation is a product called Turmeric Plus:

  1. Best quality/price ratio (among all product).
  2. Lowest price on the market.
  3. Excellent formula with high dosages.
  4. Superior absorption rates.

This is the only quality turmeric supplement that costs as little as $16/bottle.

Obviously – there are many cheaper products, but their quality is much lower.

So if you want to make the most of turmeric (for the best price) – I strongly recommend that supplement.




#2 – Heating Pad

1. How It Helps: Heat decreases stiffness instantly and reduces pain (on the short term).

2. Best Way To Use It: Applying it on the painful spot.

3. My #1 Recommended Product: You can use either:

  • a real heating pad
  • an improvised one (rice bag/water recipient)

For the real heating pads – my favorite is this product from Pure Enrichment.

This is one of the best weapons to fight RA/PsA pain.

Actually – heating pads are among my top recommendation for any form of arthritis.

1. How It Helps

Basically – it's all about the heat.

Whether you use it in heating pads or in any other objects – heat is a major helper for RA/PsA pain:

  1. Decreases usual duration of morning stiffness.
  2. Helps joints lubricate.
  3. Increases flexibility on the short term.
  4. Reduces consequent pain. [3]

In other words – applying heat on your achy joints will make them feel better within seconds.

Obviously, the relief isn't going to take long.

But even so – heat remains an excellent short-term remedy. 

2. How To Use It

It's essential to apply heat on your achy joints (in any form).

Now – the easiest way to do it is by using a heating pad:

  • warms up very fast
  • you only have to plug it in
  • large enough dimensions

However – if you can't afford getting a heating pad, you can use things like:

  • water recipient (but not a plastic one)
  • rice bag

Make sure to heat those objects up until they're really hot (but not boiling).

You will have to let them sit on your joints – that's why it's essential for the to have a temperature you can stand.

Just try to let them sit for a few minutes, until your joints start feeling better.

3. My #1 Recommended Product

As I said – using a heating pad isn't a must.

If you can't afford one, just heat up a rice bag/water recipient and apply it on your achy joints.

Still –  if you want to get a good heating pad, I recommend a product from Pure Enrichment:

  • best rated product on Amazon
  • large dimensions
  • really good price
  • lots of positive reviews

Still – any heating pad you would choose, it should be good enough.



#3 – Apple Cider Vinegar

1. How It Helps: Maintains the inflammatory mediators in a low level.

2. Best Way To Use It: Either as a drink or as a supplement.

The drink is the most popular choice. But for a faster effect – the supplement is better.

3. My #1 Recommended Product: 

This basic home remedy can be extremely helpful in RA/PsA pain.

Among all forms of arthritis – apple cider vinegar seems to suit RA and PsA pain most.

1. How It Helps

Apple Cider Vinegar has a powerful effect against inflammation:

  1. Decreases inflammation mediators.
  2. Reduces consequent pain.
  3. Decreases swollen joints caused by chronic inflammation.
  4. Dissolves uric acid crystals (in gout).

Besides, it also decreases the flare-ups frequency.

So basically – this minor remedy can have a big impact on your RA's intensity.

2. How To Use It

You can find apple cider vinegar in 2 forms:

  1. Drink
  2. Supplement

Now – the liquid version is a lot more popular (and probably a bit cheaper).

So if that's more convenient for you, using the drink is totally fine:

  • dilute 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass of water
  • add 1/2 a teaspoon of honey
  • mix them all together
  • drink the mixture once a day

However – many people hate its taste (despite add the honey).

For this reason, many prefer using a supplement – which has its own advantages:

  • way easier to take
  • higher dosages
  • effect usually appears faster

If you're fine with taking another supplement (beside the turmeric – which is a must), ACV pills are a great choice.

In terms of effect – they're probably going to help more than the drink.

3. My #1 Recommended Product

If you want to go for the drink – any organic Apple Cider Vinegar brand should do.

There are plenty of options on Amazon (just make sure it's an organic product).

As for the supplement – I recommend a product called ACV Pure:

  • really good price for the quality
  • high dosages
  • additional health benefits

Still – you should know that Apple Cider Vinegar isn't specially designed for arthritis pain.

It has a bunch of other benefits – so don't be surprised if you can't find anything about arthritis on its label.

You can find many positive reviews in Google (from people with arthritis who used it).




#4 – Anti-Inflammatory Diet

1. How It Helps: Decreases the average level of inflammatory molecules.

In this way – pain starts decreasing little by little (on the long term).

2. Best Way To Use It: Following its main rules.

3. My #1 Recommendation: Cook your own foods using exclusively these ingredients.

Try doing this for (at least) 1 week and see how you feel.

1. How It Helps

Following a certain eating regimen can have massive benefits in RA or PsA.

Now – there isn't a certain diet specially created for this condition.

But there's a regimen that will really help – which I called “anti-inflammatory diet”. [4]

  1. Based on foods rich in vitamin K (which is a great anti-inflammatory).
  2. Focused on leafy vegetables.
  3. Whole-grains cereals are a must.
  4. Also promotes foods rich in anti-oxidants.
  5. Processed foods and dairy are forbidden.

Basically – this diet reduces RA/PsA pain by promoting anti-inflammatory foods.

2. How To Use It

Following this diet is very simple.

It doesn't have a daily eating plan – but it allows you to mix up the ingredients are eat whatever you want every day.

But as long as it's among the foods it allows (the list is pretty long, so don't worry).

Its top recommended foods include:

  • leafy vegetables: celery, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, etc.
  • green vegetables: cucumber, zucchini, etc.
  • anti-oxidants: beetroot, cherry, citrus, etc.
  • natural sweeteners: honey
  • meat: fish, organic light meat
3. My Top Recommendation

Now – this diet doesn't have a certain daily plan/schedule.

But this means you can cook different foods using the ingredients from the categories above:

  • all sorts of vegetables
  • light meat
  • sweets based on organic ingredients (and with honey instead of sugar)
  • colorful fruits (rich in anti-oxidants)

As long as you avoid processed foods and dairy, you should start seeing results in a few weeks.

This diet can really improve the 3 treatments above – that's why I strongly recommend trying it out.

At least for a few weeks (you should see a change in this time).



My Verdict – What's The Best Treatment For RA/PsA Pain?

Short answer: I recommend combining 4 different alternative treatments:

  1. Turmeric Supplements
  2. Heating Pads (Hot Bottles)
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Besides your prescribed medicines – using these 4 natural treatments TOGETHER should improve your symptoms a lot.

And I'm talking especially about the pain.

However – it's essential to:

  • continue taking your prescribed treatment
  • follow all these 4 alternative treatments together
  • be patient

You're definitely not going to see a change from your first day.

We're actually talking about arthritis  – which is far from a simple condition.

That's why you need to be patient and follow the 4 treatments for a few weeks (at least).

If you're lucky – you could see an improvement in less than a month.

But in some cases, it takes 2-3 months to see (and feel) a change.

Still – these 4 additional treatments are definitely going to help. It's all about being patient and consistent.

best inflammation


1 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pmc/articles/PMC6284537/

2 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pmc/articles/PMC5003001/

3 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pmc/articles/PMC4225921/

4 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4579563/

Written by 

Oltea Roman is a registered pharmacist with a long experience in the health field. She graduated from University of Medicine and Pharmacy and has studies in Cosmetology, Dermatology, Toxicology and several others. She has a 2 years experience as a retail pharmacist.

Last updated: January 6, 2025

2 thoughts on “4 Best Treatments For Rheumatoid & Psoriatic Arthritis Pain

  1. I am dealing with RA for more than 5 years.

    Though this is the first time I am reading your guide, I can honestly say it’s totally accurate and it works. I’ve been following each of these steps separately (most of them were learned through my own experience) and yes…they do work!

    I’m taking turmeric supplements on a daily basis. I use BioSchwartz’s version which has the same composition as your recommended product (I just checked). But it’s more expensive overall, so I might be switching to that in the future, it’s always good to save any little bucks.

    I also keep a hot bottle close to my bed every morning, because my joints are stiffer whenever I wake up. Nice tip with the heating pad, though. It’s a lot more convenient, you only have to plug it in and done. I’m going to be looking into that. Also I take good care at what I eat and drink.

    The only thing I have not tried are apple cider vinegar pills. I tried drinking the liquid version before but there wasn’t much change. I didn’t like it so I stopped using it. But it might be different with the pills.

    Still do you think it’s fine taking apple cider vinegar supplements and also turmeric supplements? Do they cause side effects if used together?

    1. Hello Mary, thanks a lot for your feedback. I’m glad to hear you’re managing to keep your arthritis under control, that’s awesome.

      I’m familiar with BioSchwartz’s turmeric, it’s very similar to Vita Balance’s product, just like you said. But yes – it’s a bit pricier (especially if you buy several bottles at once). That’s why it’s not included among my top recommended arthritis supplements.

      Regarding your question – ACV pills are a bit stronger than the drink, because they have a higher dosage. But many people see an improvement from the drink alone, that’s why I can’t guarantee the pills are going to work for you (if the drink didn’t). Still, there is a chance that they do work.

      Getting back to what you asked me, ACV doesn’t interact with turmeric – especially if both come as supplements. They’re also natural remedies, which can be taken together in almost 100% cases. Turmeric usually interacts with blood thinning medication and with certain blood pressure drugs. But when it comes to supplements, it can be associated with most.

      I hope this answers your questions.

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