8 Best Herbs For Nerve Damage (In Hands)

Are the nerves from your hands damaged?

Have you noticed that you lost the sensations in one or both of your hands?

Do you want to know what you can do to reduce your symptoms?

Here are 8 best herbs for nerve damage (in hands and not only).

Make sure that you read the article carefully and choose the remedies that suit you best.

Note. This article is based on my own research on herbs for nerve damage.

1. White Willow

Is there also a black willow? Actually, yes, you can also find black willow.

In fact, these are two types of willow, a tree that is known for its form and aspect.

You can easily find willow trees in gardens and parks. You might have already noticed them.

However, willow, especially white willow is a herb that can work in your case.

So, if you are dealing with nerve damage, you might want to check this information out.

How come white willow is good for nerve damage?

Well, let's have a look at its benefits:

  • relieves pain
  • reduces inflammation [1]
  • its compound salicin reduces the production of pain-inducing chemicals in your nerves
  • helps you reduce discomfort

As you can see, white willow is what you need for your nerve damage problem.

Yet, the next question is how you should use it.

As white willow is included in many products, you can consider the following options:

  • capsules
  • tincture
  • tea
  • topical use

Let's start with the first one, capsules.

In fact, white willow can be found as powder put in capsules. 

You can easily find such supplements in different drugstores. And guess what?

You don't need a doctor's prescription to buy such products.

So, choose the one that suits you best, and don't hesitate to give it a try.

In drugstores, you can also find white willow as a tincture. Just like in capsule form, it is easy to use it:

  1. Buy a distilled tincture.
  2. Take a drop or two of this tincture per day.

It is as simple as that!

However, if you are a tea lover, you might find white willow tea a better option.

Thus, let's see how you can prepare it:

  1. Put 8 ounces of water in a saucepan.
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of white willow bark to the water.
  3. Boil the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. After it has boiled, turn off the heat.
  5. Allow the tea to steep between 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. Drink the tea warm.

How much tea should you drink?

Well, make sure that you drink at least 1 cup of tea per day.

Last, but not least, willow bark can also be applied topically.

All you need to do is:

  1. Take some willow bark extract.
  2. Apply it to the clean affected area.

Can this remedy trigger some side effects?

Well, if you apply willow bark extract to your skin, you might experience skin irritation.

So, be cautious when you use this remedy.

Otherwise, you can confidently use white willow bark and improve your nerve health.


White willow is beneficial for those who are dealing with nerve damage problems.

That's because it can reduce your inflammation and discomfort.

So, if you want to try this remedy, you can use different products that contain white willow extract.



2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice loved by many people. Are you a turmeric lover?

If fact, turmeric makes a great ingredient for both salty and sweet dishes.

So, it is quite versatile, isn't it?

However, turmeric has long been used as a remedy for different health issues as well.

Actually, it can also help you with your nerve problem.

Is that really true? Well, I'm going to prove that by mentioning its benefits:

  • accelerates the process of healing (of your nerves)
  • contains curcumin
  • this substance helps you regenerate your nerves
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties [2]
  • can ease your nerve pain

It has many benefits, right?

Now, let's see how you can include turmeric in your diet.

Actually, turmeric can be used in various ways:

  • supplement
  • tea
  • smoothie
  • included in your foods

Supplements based on turmeric are quite popular nowadays.

So, it should be easy to find one that you like.

That's why I'm not going to recommend anything to you. The choice is yours.

If a supplement is not your cup of tea, you can try having an actual cup of turmeric tea.

Even though turmeric tea is pretty easy to prepare, I'll still give you some instructions:

  1. Cut a 1-inch piece of turmeric root into small pieces.
  2. Mix 1 cup of water with the turmeric pieces.
  3. Bring the turmeric and water to a boil.
  4. Let the tea seep for 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Strain the turmeric pieces out of the tea.

This tea is made with fresh turmeric root. Yet, you can also use turmeric powder, if you want.

The instructions are the same. You just need to replace turmeric pieces with turmeric powder.

When it comes to smoothies, you can prepare some of the following:

  • pineapple turmeric smoothie
  • blueberries turmeric smoothie
  • orange turmeric smoothie
  • tropical citrus turmeric smoothie

All of them are prepared in a similar and easy way.

So, there's no need for me to insist on that anymore.

Also, as turmeric is so popular,  you can find many recipes on the internet.

So choose the combination that you like and prepare your favorite smoothie.

Moreover, if you want to add turmeric to other recipes as well, you can choose from the following:

  • fried eggs with turmeric
  • oatmeal with turmeric
  • soups with turmeric
  • pasta and noodles
  • salads

Keep in mind that it is important to consume a high amount of turmeric if you want to have good results.

Thus, make sure that you try more recipes from the ones that I mentioned here (and not only).

If you do that, not only your nerve health will improve, but your overall health as well.


Turmeric is another natural remedy that you might want to try out.

It can accelerate the process of healing your nerves and it helps you regenerate them.

Thus, make sure that you include turmeric in your daily diet.


3. Rosemary

Rosemary is another herb that is used for culinary purposes.

You probably knew that already, right?

However, did you know that rosemary is also used as a medicinal herb?

Yes, it is. Moreover, it is also good for your nerve problem.

How come? Well, let's see its benefits and you'll understand why:

  • works as an antioxidant
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • can soothe your pain
  • prevents nerve damage

So, rosemary not only prevents nerve damage, but it can also relieve your symptoms.

For these reasons, it is exactly what you need.

Thus, let's move on and see how you can use it.

As always, you can use rosemary in different ways:

  • as an ingredient for different recipes
  • rosemary tea
  • rosemary oil

The first option is pretty common. You probably expected me to say that.

Hence, let's see to which foods you can add rosemary to:

  • baked potatoes
  • roasted vegetables
  • fish and various types of meat
  • focaccia
  • cakes

As a tea lover, I can recommend you try rosemary tea

In this way, you can fully benefit from its properties. 

So, let's see how you should prepare this tea. All you need is:

  • 1 pot of water
  • 2 springs of fresh rosemary
  • 2-3 slices of lemon
  • some honey

Now, let's see the instructions:

  1. Boil a pot of water.
  2. Add the two springs of fresh rosemary.
  3. Fill up a mug with boiling water.
  4. Allow it to stand for 5 minutes.
  5. Add some honey and 2-3 slices of lemon to it.

How much tea should you drink per day?

Well, make sure that you drink 1-2 cups of rosemary tea during the whole day.

Beside drinking tea, you can also try to use rosemary oil for massaging your body.

So, make sure that you follow the instructions:

  • Dilute the rosemary oil with a carrier oil (coconut, almond, olive oil).
  • Add 20 drops of carrier oil to 3-4 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area.
  • Massage your body gently for 10 minutes.
  • Let the oil soak into your skin.

For better results, I advise you to try to include rosemary in your daily diet.

Also, just eating foods that contain rosemary might not be enough, so try rosemary oil or tea as well.

If you do that, you might be able to reduce some of your symptoms and use your hands.


Even though it is known as a culinary herb, rosemary is another effective remedy.

Its properties (antioxidant) make it an efficient weapon against nerve damage problems.

So, make sure that you eat foods that contain rosemary and also try rosemary tea.



4. Ginger

Ginger and turmeric are pretty similar, right? 

Both are roots, have a spicy taste, and they are beneficial for you.

Now, that we decided that ginger and turmeric are cousins, we can talk about ginger's properties.

As they are from the same family, their properties are similar, you'll see.

So, which are those benefits that I keep telling you about?:

  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • soothes your nerves
  • eases your nerve pain [3]

Now, you can see the similarity between ginger and turmeric.

Talking about similarities, ginger is also pretty versatile, so you can use it in various ways:

  • added to numerous recipes
  • ginger tea
  • ginger detox water
  • ginger oil

Are you hungry? Then let's talk about the foods in which you can include ginger.

So, which are those foods?:

  • soups
  • cookies
  • salads
  • pasta

Thus, look for the recipes and prepare your favorite ginger food.

Of course, you probably know that some food might not be enough for you.

That's why you should also drink ginger tea. Don't wait until you catch a cold.  

How you should prepare it?

Well, the process is the same as in the case of turmeric tea.

However, if you prefer a detox water, you might want to try the following recipe.

All you need is:

  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2-3 teaspoons raw honey (optional)

The instructions are the following:

  1. Boil the water in a kettle of a saucepan.
  2. Put the grated ginger and the wedge of lemon in a mug.
  3. Pour the boiling water into the sup.
  4. Let the lemon and ginger steep for 5 minutes.
  5. Add some honey to it (if you want).
  6. Enjoy!

If you want to use ginger topically as well, you can try ginger oil.

How should you apply it to your skin? Well, it is very easy:

  • First of all, dilute ginger oil with a carrier oil (olive, coconut, almond oil).
  • Add 20 drops of carrier oil to 3-4 drops of ginger oil.
  • Then apply the composition to your skin.
  • Massage the affected area for 5-10 minutes.
  • Let the oil soak into your skin.

It is easy peasy, as I told you, right?

Moreover, you have so many options from which you can choose.

So, what stops you from giving ginger a try?


Known as an effective remedy for colds, ginger can also help you.

That's because it has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can ease your pain.

Thus, try to prepare yourself some ginger tea or detox water.



5. Parsley

Parsley is used in various cuisines as an ingredient for numerous dishes.

Thanks to its flavor, many people love it and add it to their favorite recipes.

In addition, parsley can also bring you some benefits.

“Are you saying that parsley is good for nerve damage (in hands)?” 

That's actually correct! This is exactly what I want to say.

Here are the proofs:

  • parsley can reduce inflammation
  • so it might also ease your discomfort and pain
  • is rich in vitamin C

As I told you, parsley is used as an ingredient in many foods.

So,  in this way you can include it in your daily diet.

 Then, let's see what foods you can try:

  • soups
  • salads
  • smoothies
  • pesto
  • sauces

I know, you already need to try a lot of tea, but let me tell you about parsley tea.

Yes, this is right! You can prepare a cup of tea with parsley!

If this is brand-new information for you, then let's have a look at the instructions.

Yet, first of all, let's see the ingredients:

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1-2 teaspoons of parsley (fresh or dried)

All you need to do is:

  1. Put the teaspoons of parsley into a cup/mug.
  2. Pour the boiling water over the parsley.
  3. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Drink the tea warm.

How many cups of tea should you drink per day?

Well, for better results, I advise you to drink 3 cups per day (in the morning, afternoon, and evening).

So, make sure that you do this and you'll see the difference.


Another herb that has great properties is parsley, which is also known for its aroma.

However, it is also an excellent remedy for you because it can soothe your discomfort.

So, keep in mind that you need to add parsley to different recipes and to drink parsley tea.



6. Devil's Claw

“Are you joking?” you may ask. 

“A plant with such a strange name can actually help me?”

That's indeed true. It might have a strange name, but it also has many benefits.

Which are those? You'll see in a minute.

Until then, let me tell you that the name of this herb comes from its fruit.

In fact, its fruit looks like a claw or a spider. So, there's nothing to worry about.

Now let's return to the devil's claw's benefits. I'm sure you're curious to find out which are those.

So here they are:

  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • can soothe your nerve pain
  • works as an antioxidant

Do you see it? This plant is really good for you.

Now let's see how you can use it. Actually, there are many products that you can try.

Here they are:

  • supplements
  • creams
  • tea

Taking a supplement is quite easy and it is not time-consuming.

So if you choose this option – make sure that you pick a high-quality supplement.

However, this time I'm not going to recommend a certain product to you.

Thus, choose the supplement that suits you best and give it a go.

The same thing I can say about creams. There are indeed creams based on devil's claw extract.

Yet, I won't pick a certain product for you. Instead, I will give you some general instructions:

  1. Firstly, you need to buy the cream, obviously.
  2. Then, apply the cream to your hand or affected area.
  3. Massage your body with it.
  4. Allow the cream to soak into your skin.
  5. Use it daily if you want to have good results.

Another tea recipe comes for you! I thought that maybe you want to drink devil's claw tea.

It will not only benefit from the properties of this plant but you will be hydrated all day.

Isn't that a plus? So, let's see how you can prepare it.

Here you have the ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon/tablespoon of powdered devil's claw root
  • 2 cups of boiling water

The instructions are here:

  1. Put the powdered devil's claw into a saucepan.
  2. Add the boiling water over it.
  3. Allow the tea to steep for 6 to 8 hours.
  4. Strain the tea to discard the leftover root.
  5. Drink it in 2-3 doses throughout the day.

Basically, you need to drink this tea during the whole day, like any other tea.

Also, as always, I have to say that it is better to try more remedies, not only one.

In this way, you make sure that you have a faster and better result.


Despite the strange name, devil's claw is a herb that is beneficial for your problem.

As it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can ease your pain and your symptoms.

Also, devil's claw can be used both internally (supplements, tea) and externally (creams).


7. Oregano

Here comes another spice, oregano.

If you love sauces, you probably know that oregano is a great ingredient for those.

However, oregano is also known as a medicinal herb.

In fact, it is used to treat various health issues like digestive problems or parasite infections.

Moreover, it is also a good remedy for you and your nerve problem.

Thanks to its benefits, it can ease your symptoms and improve your health.

Which are those benefits that I mentioned? Well, here they come:

  • oregano is rich in antioxidants
  • so it fights damage from free radicals in your body
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • helps the cells to regenerate
  • is rich in various vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6 or magnesium

Of course, as oregano is a spice, it is easy to include it in your diet.

You just have to choose the foods that contain oregano.

Here are some ideas that you can try:

  • pesto
  • salads
  • spaghetti and pasta
  • soups
  • sauces
  • pizzas

I told you that it is simple to include it in your daily meals.

Besides, oregano can be used both fresh and dried and you can easily find it in supermarkets.

If you are passionate about cooking, you probably know already that oregano oil can be added to different recipes.

What else can you do with oregano oil? Well, you can also apply it to the affected area.

Yet, make sure that you follow these steps:

  1. Dilute the oregano oil with a carrier oil (the same carrier oils).
  2. Add 20 drops of carrier oil to 3-4 drops of oregano oil.
  3. Apply the composition to your skin and massage the area gently.
  4. Repeat the treatment daily.

Now that you know all these details, I'm sure that you won't look at oregano in the same way.

It isn't just a spice, but also a medicinal herb that can help you.

So, don't hesitate to give it a try!


Oregano is another herb full of beneficial properties.

It is an antioxidant, so it helps the cells to regenerate and fight damage from free radicals.

Thus, you can either include it in your favorite foods or use oregano oil for massage.



8. Chamomile

Chamomile is pretty famous when it comes to treating various health problems, isn't it?

Also, there are many products that contain chamomile extract – like cosmetics.

However, how can chamomile help you deal with nerve damage in your hands?

Well, chamomile oil is the key here. 

You're really glad that I don't recommend another tea to you, right?

Then, let's find out what are the benefits of chamomile oil.

Here they are:

  • soothes your pain
  • reduces inflammation
  • relaxes your body

How should you use this oil?

Luckily, you have more options, a classic one and an unusual one:

  • apply the oil to the affected area
  • add it to your bath

Let's start with the first and the most classic option.

Of course, like any other essential oil, chamomile oil can be used topically.

That means that you need to apply the oil to your skin.

Here are some more detailed instructions:

  1. Dilute the chamomile oil with a carrier oil (the same carrier oils that I mentioned already).
  2. So, you need to mix 20 drops of carrier oil with 3-4 drops of chamomile oil.
  3. Apply the mixture to the affected area.
  4. Gently massage your body for 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Let the oil soak into your skin.

What about the second option? Why is it unusual?

Well, because you probably haven't heard of it before, have you?

Yet, it is quite simple to put it into practice.

Let's see how you can do that:

  1. Obviously, you need to fill your bathtub with warm water first.
  2. Add 30 drops of chamomile essential oil to your bathtub.
  3. Relax for 15 minutes or more.
  4. Repeat the treatment daily.

In fact, this remedy is efficient for your nerve problem, no matter the affected area.

So, you definitely need to give it a go.

Make sure that you use chamomile oil and your symptoms will be reduced, I'm sure.


Another essential oil that you can use is chamomile oil.

It is a great remedy for nerve damage because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

So, make sure that you massage your body with chamomile oil daily.



My Final Verdict

Are you struggling with nerve damage in hands or other parts of the body?

Do you want to try some natural remedies?

Here are some of the best herbs for nerve damage that can help you:

  • White Willow
  • Turmeric
  • Rosemary
  • Ginger
  • Parsley

Make sure that you use them properly and your symptoms will be reduced.

Give them a try and see what they can do.

best joint


1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-25997859/

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pmc/articles/-PMC8125634/

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-32436242/


Written by 

Sara is passionate about health, beauty and cosmetics. She likes to do research and to find new information about various medical topics. You can connect with her via Linkedin.

Last updated: January 11, 2025

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