Have you noticed that your forehead and eye wrinkles are more visible lately?
Do you want to get rid of them and look younger?
Here's how to remove forehead & eye wrinkles at home in just 8 simple steps.
Make sure that you put those steps into practice and you will see the results.
I'm sure that you want to look gorgeous, right?
Then, this article is what you need!
Note. This article is based on my own research on removing forehead and eye wrinkles.
1. Essential Oils
Essential oils are pretty popular nowadays, am I right?
They are a star among natural remedies used for different problems.
People use them for various purposes like aromatherapy or hair growth.
However, they are also beneficial for those who want to get rid of their wrinkles.
Let's not beat around the bush and see what benefits essential oils have.
Here they are:
- work as antioxidants
- moisturize your skin
- soothe inflammation
- reduce your forehead and eye wrinkles
What can be more delightful than to know how much those oils can help you?!
Now that you found out their advantages, let's see what essential oils are best for you.
So, I won't keep you waiting any longer. Those are some of the oils that you can use:
- ylang-ylang
- rosemary [1]
- lavender
- rose
- lemon
I have to mention that these oils are just a part of the ones that might want to use.
Yet, I can assure you that are some of the best.
So, let's see how you can actually use them to reduce your wrinkles.
First of all, keep in mind that you need to dilute those oils with a carrier oil.
When it comes to carrier oils, you can choose from the following:
- jojoba oil
- almond oil
- olive oil
- coconut oil
Then, make sure that you are not allergic to any of these oils.
Now, let me tell you how you should mix the two oils (carrier oil + essential oil):
- If have sensitive skin try this: mix 3-6 drops of essential oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil.
- If your skin is normal try this: mix 6-15 drops of essential oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil.
Did you manage to mix the two oils?
Then, let's see how you should apply the mixture to your face:
- Gently wash and dry your face.
- Apply the mixture of oils to your face.
- Massage your face for 2-3 minutes using your fingers
- Don't forget the forehead and eyes when you massage your face.
- Let the oil soak into your skin.
- Repeat this treatment twice per day.
What do you do if your skin is oily? Is it a good idea to use essential oils?
Well, you can use those, but carefully.
This means that you might not want to apply the oils two times per day, but once.
Moreover, you should let the oil soak into your skin for 15-20 minutes and then wash your face.
When will the results start appearing?
I must say that when it comes to essential oils, perseverance is key.
You need to stick to this treatment, but do not expect an immediate result.
Anyway, I'm sure that this process is really worth it, so don't hesitate to give those oils a try!
Essential oils are beneficial for your skin because they have antioxidant properties.
Thanks to those, they can reduce both forehand and eye wrinkles.
So, make sure that you try some of those essential oils: rosemary, lemon, ylang-ylang, etc.
2. Use Kollagen Intensiv
The second step that you should follow refers to using an anti-aging cream.
As you probably know, an anti-aging cream is definitely helpful in your case.
That's because it moisturizes your skin and reduces your wrinkles.
However, you need to pick a high-quality product in order to have good results.
In fact, that's the tricky part when it comes to anti-aging creams.
So, what should you do them? What cream is best for you?
Fortunately, I have the perfect product for you, Kollagen Intensiv!
Why is it so good? Well, look at all those benefits:
- has great ingredients (both classical and original)
- hydrates your skin and reduces wrinkles
- contains the safest form of Retinoids
- its previous users are satisfied with the results
- soaks into your skin very fast
Are you impressed? It does have quite a lot of benefits, right?
And guess what? Kollagen Intensiv can reduce both forehead and eye wrinkles.
So, it is exactly what you need.
If you are not convinced yet, let me tell you more about its ingredients:
- contain three vitamins essential for you (vitamins A, C, and E)
- moreover, it has two types of vitamin C
- its formula also includes hyaluronic acid and shea butter
What about Retinoids? Do you know what are those?
Well, they are a group of substances that can fight aging.
However, those also come with some side effects – like dry skin.
But I have some good news for you.
Kollagen Intensiv is safe even though it contains Retinyl Palmitate:
- it's the safest type of Retinol available
- you will benefit from the same anti-aging properties as from classic Retinol
- but the risk of side effects is really low
So, what do you say? Are you willing to give it a try?
I'm sure you do, especially after you discovered all its benefits.
What are you waiting for then?
Start using Kollagen Intensiv and say goodbye to your wrinkles!
When it comes to wrinkles, Kollagen Intensiv is the best cream that you can try.
That's because it has a great formula that includes various vitamins and nutrients.
Thus, Kollagen Intensiv is a must if you want to get rid of your forehead and eye wrinkles.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is another remedy that can actually work in case you are dealing with wrinkles.
In fact, aloe vera extract is used as an ingredient for many skincare products.
So, I'm sure that you know how many benefits this can actually have.
However, I still want you to remember some of them.
That's why I'm going to mention them here:
- decreases the appearance of wrinkles [2]
- moisturizes your skin
- reduces dryness
- your wrinkles will be less noticeable
How does aloe vera work?
Well, as I mentioned previously, your wrinkles will become less evident.
However, this does not mean that they will disappear overnight, but they won't be that prominent.
This being said, let's see how you can use aloe ever.
Try to guess: internally or externally? Well, actually both!
Yes, you've read it right! Which one do you want to start with?
I think we should start with the first option. Internally, you can take the following:
- aloe vera supplements
- aloe vera gel
This is quite easy to do, right?
You just need to choose the best product for you and to start your treatment.
Externally, you can apply aloe vera gel to your face.
For this, I recommend you buy the gel from a drugstore instead of trying to prepare it at home.
Now, that you have it, let's have a look at the instructions:
- First of all, clean your face and pat it dry.
- With clean fingers, apply a thin layer of gel to your face.
- Leave it on your skin for 5-10 minutes.
- Make sure that you don't keep it much longer because it might dry out your skin.
- Rinse with cool water and gently pat dry.
- After that moisturize your skin with the cream/lotion that you usually use.
- Repeat the same process every day.
You'll see that after you use this treatment, your face will look fresher and younger.
So, make sure that you try this remedy out!
I'm sure that you'll be satisfied with the results if you do that!
Aloe vera is another remedy that you might want to try.
It can decrease your wrinkles, moisturizes your skin, and reduces dryness.
So, make sure that you either take an aloe vera supplement or apply aloe vera gel to your face.
4. Turmeric Mask
Looking for a great mask for your face?
Well, I think you should try a turmeric mask.
Like other herbs, turmeric is used as a remedy for various health problems.
However, we should not neglect the fact that it is also a good weapon we can use to fight aging.
Especially if we talk about our skin, or better say our faces.
So, let's have a look at its benefits:
- slows down the aging process
- reduces the excess oil from the skin
- has antibacterial and antiseptic properties [3]
- reduces fine lines and wrinkles
As you can see, turmeric is what you need when it comes to anti-aging masks.
So, are you willing to find out how you can have an enviable face?
Then, let's get started.
First of all, I have to tell you that I'm going to talk about two turmeric face masks.
One is for dry skin and the other is for oily skin.
Here are the ingredients for the first one (dry skin):
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Now, let's find out what you need for the second one (oily skin):
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric
- 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
- 1/2 teaspoon of honey
For both, the steps are the same.
Moreover, I can assure you that they are both effective and easy to prepare.
So, let's have a look at the steps you need to follow:
- Combine the ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Stir until they are completely mixed.
- Apply the mask to your face (preferably with a soft brush).
- Let the mask sit for 20-30 minutes (don't forget to relax).
- Rinse it off with warm water.
- Look at how glowing your skin is!
Actually, I'm not kidding. This face mask with surely make your skin look cleaner and shinier.
How often should you use this mask? Well, I recommend you use it twice a week.
So, you surely need to think of yourself first and to give the turmeric mask a go.
What can be more satisfying than relaxing and making your skin younger?
Turmeric is a herb that can slow down the aging process and reduce fine lines.
Thus, a good remedy for you is the turmeric mask which you can prepare at home.
Yet, make sure that you pick the right mask for your skin (for oily or dry skin).
5. Try Eyelasticity
Now, let's focus a little bit on the eyes.
I'm sure you want to find out how to reduce the wrinkles around the eyes.
Also, I'm certain you know that eyes are very important when it comes to communication.
In fact, when we talk we look into each other's eyes.
That's why it is vital to reduce those annoying wrinkles around the eyes.
So, here is the best solution for you, a product that is wonderful, Eyelasticity.
This product is specially designed for your needs:
- best formula on the market
- one of the few clinically tested products
- reduces under-eye puffiness and wrinkles in 90% of the cases
- its previous users are satisfied with the results
Do you see how many advantages this product has?
Moreover, its formula is so good that it can help you with various problems.
Do you want to find out how it works?
If your answer is yes, then let's talk a little bit about this:
- makes dark circles less visible
- can reduce more types of wrinkles
- delicate skin is thickened
I told you that Eyelasticity is an amazing product that you definitely need to try.
I'm sure that you'll love it once you try it.
How do I know that? Well, I know that because there are a lot of people who swear by it.
Who are those people? No others that the ones that used Eyelasticiy.
When do the results start to appear?
- in 4 weeks
- you need to use it constantly
So, what do you think? Does Eyelasticity deserve a try?
I think that it totally does. So, you should not wait anymore!
Start using this product today and you'll see the results.
Your eyes will be so beautiful that people won't be able to keep their eyes off you!
When it comes to wrinkles around the eyes, Eyelasticity is the best product that you can find.
That's because it can not only reduce your wrinkles but solve other problems as well.
So, you definitely need to give Eyelasticity a go if you want to remove your eye wrinkles.
6. Papaya + Honey Pack
Do you like eating papaya?
Do you add honey to your delicious tea or smoothie?
I know, those foods are so good, that you definitely love them, am I right?
However, have you ever thought of putting papaya and honey on your face?
I know, this idea might sound strange to you but let me talk about the benefits that papaya has:
- hydrates the skin
- works as an antioxidant
- protects the skin from free radicals
- increases the collagen production in your skin
- reduces wrinkles and fine lines
So, papaya is not only a delicious and healthy food but also a great skincare product.
That's why people include it in all sorts of creams and other cosmetics.
What about honey? What properties does it have?
Well, let's find out:
- has hydrating properties
- helps you keep your skin soft and smooth
- reduces wrinkles
Now that you know how honey and papaya can help you, let's see how you can prepare the pack.
Or, should I say mask? Well, both names work, so let's have a look at the ingredients:
- 1/2 cup of ripe papaya
- 2 teaspoons of whole milk
- 1 tablespoon of honey
All you need to do is:
- Chop the papaya into small pieces.
- Add milk and honey to the mashed papaya.
- Mix the ingredients well to obtain a fine paste.
- Apply this pack all over your face (and, optional, neck).
- Leave it on for 10-15 minutes
- Then, rinse it off with some warm water.
- Admire your face in the mirror. Looks good, right?
This mask is more suitable for those who have dry skin.
Don't worry if you have oily skin, though!
You just need to replace the milk with the juice from 1 orange.
The instructions are the same, so you can easily prepare this mask at home.
How often should you use this pack? Well, I advise you to do that around 2 times per week.
In this way, your face will look more stunning than ever!
Papaya and honey work great together because they have hydrating and anti-aging properties.
Thus, a pack that combines the two ingredients might be one of the best solutions for you.
So, follow my instructions and use this mask at least 2 times per week.
7. Cabbage Juice
Actually, not only fruits can be used to treat and reduce wrinkles.
Vegetables deserve to be taken into consideration too.
One of them is cabbage.
Round, green and good-looking, cabbage can reduce your eye wrinkles.
So, you will look young and fresh like a cabbage, or, much better, like a flower.
Why is cabbage so good for your wrinkles?
- works as an antioxidant
- combats free radicals
- rich in vitamin C
- stimulates the collagen production
So, what can you do with it in order to get rid of your wrinkles?
Well, you can prepare a natural remedy for your under-eyes wrinkles.
Let's call it a mask. Are you eager to find out the recipe?
Well, then let's have a look at the ingredients:
- 1/4 head of cabbage
- 1 tablespoon of honey
Here's how to prepare the mask:
- Slice 1/4 of a head of cabbage into small pieces.
- Place the cabbage in a blender and blend until it turns into a watery liquid.
- Pour the cabbage juice into a bowl.
- In a separate bowl combine 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of cabbage juice.
- Mix the two ingredients together.
- Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes.
- Let it dry for 10 minutes and then wash it with cold and warm water.
- Pat dry with a soft towel.
If you want, you can add to this mixture 1 or 2 drops of essential oil (of your choice).
However, if your skin is oily, it is better to stick to the original recipe.
How often should you use this mask?
Well, for better results, I advise you to apply this mixture three times per week.
What else should I tell you?
Just this, cabbage juice makes the wrinkles go away. So, give it a try!
A mask made of cabbage juice might also help you solve your problems.
That's because cabbage is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C so it can increase collagen production.
In order to benefit from these properties, make sure that you use a mask made of cabbage juice.
8. Green Tea
Our last remedy refers to some green plants as well.
Everything is green around us, so why not benefit from that, right?
To cut to the chase, the last step refers to green tea.
In fact, green tea has some properties that are beneficial for you.
Let's have a look at them:
- is antioxidant
- can calm inflammation and reduce puffy lids
- tightens the skin and protects it
- has anti-aging properties (due to the caffeine it contains) [4]
So, how you can benefit from all these advantages?
I'm sure that you are curious to find this out, right?
Well, in this case, I can give you two options:
- drink green tea regularly
- use green tea bags
Let's take them in order. Internally, it is better to drink one cup of green tea every day.
In this way, your whole organism will be refreshed, not to mention your face.
However, make sure that you don't have it in the evening.
You don't want to stay awake the whole night, do you?
When it comes to the second option, the instructions are easy:
- Soak cotton pads in a brew made of green tea.
- Or, apply cold tea bags directly to your eye area.
- Keep those to your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
- Relax and be beautiful.
Why cold tea?
Because in this way your face will be fresher.
How often should you apply those tea bags to your eyes?
Well, you can do this every day, but I advise you to try to apply them at least 3-4 times per week.
In this way, you make sure that you have good results.
So, take some green tea and put this remedy into practice!
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, green tea is another solution for you.
Actually, you can use this remedy both internally and externally.
So, you can either drink green tea or apply green tea bags to your eyes.
My Final Verdict
Are you dealing with forehead and eye wrinkles?
Do you want to find out how you can make those less visible?
I know exactly what you need to do!
Here's how to remove forehead & eye wrinkles in just 8 easy steps:
- Essential oils
- Kollagen Intensiv
- Aloe vera
- Turmeric mask
- Eyelasticity
- Papaya and honey pack
- Cabbage juice
- Green tea
Make sure that you follow all those steps or at least half of them f you want to have good results.
Moreover, don't forget that Kollagen Intensiv and Eyelasticity are the best products for you.
They will make you look younger and more confident again.
So, put those steps into practice and you won't regret it!
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/-PMC7284349/
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-31209704/
3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-27213821/
4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-15928624/