Does Ozempic Cause Hair Loss & Thinning? (Top 7 Side Effects)

Ozempic is a drug for type 2 diabetes that gained the attention of the media recently.

That's because it can cause weight loss. 

Also, there is a question that you might have in mind: does Ozempic cause hair loss?

Well, this article discusses various aspects regarding this drug:

  • what was Ozempic designed for
  • Ozempic and weight loss
  • how Ozempic affects you hair
  • the side effects it triggers

Want to find out more about Ozempic, its usage, and its side effects?

This article is exactly what you need!

Note. This article is based on my own research on Ozempic and its side effects.

 Ozempic's Side Effects (In A Nutshell)

Ozempic gained popularity nowadays because of the controversial way people use it.

Now, I'm sure you have many questions regarding this product and its side effects.

One of them might be – “Does Ozempic cause hair loss & thinning?

Well, in short, Ozempic can indeed cause hair loss and thinning. 

However, only few of its users sustain Ozempic made their hair fall out.

Also, the story is more complicated than this.

Ozempic is used as a weight loss drug even if only people who have diabetes should take it.

However, keep in mind that Ozempic is not a drug for weight loss, this is only one of its side effects.

Other common side effects are the following:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • constipation

I'm sure you don't want to experience any of these issues. 

Yet, the good news is that after a couple of weeks of using it, those side effects should improve.

Besides these, there are more severe side effects Ozempic can trigger:

  • hypoglycemia
  • pancreatitis
  • kidney damage or failure
  • diabetic renopathy 
  • thyroid cancer

As you can see, those are serious conditions that can put you in danger.

That's why it is especially important to talk to your doctor before using Ozempic.

Only a doctor can prescribe you the exact dosage you need to take.

Under no circumstances should you use Ozempic randomly, as a treatment for weight loss.

Keep that in mind and stay safe!



Ozempic’s Goal & How It Works

Have you ever heard of Ozempic before?

Do you know what was designed for and how it works?

If your answer is no, then let me clarify things for you.

First of all, Ozempic is an injectable FDA-approved drug for type 2 diabetes. [1]

If you suffer from this disease, you probably know what I am talking about.

How does Ozempic help adults with diabetes?:

  • lowers A1C
  • reduces the risk of major cardiovascular events in patients with heart disease
  • decreases the chances of stroke, heart attack, or death
  • helps patients with diabetes lose weight 

Those who do not have diabetes, might not know what I am referring to when I say A1C.

Thus, let me explain to you what is A1C.

In fact, this is a blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels.

Ozempic can lower the level of sugar in your blood.  

Yet, it doesn't work alone. You should also do your part in order to have results.

By doing your part I mean keeping a proper diet and doing exercises

How does Ozempic work? Well, here's what you need to know:

  • you only need to take one dose per week
  • you can take this with or without food
  • however, make sure that you take it on the same day every week
  • also, talk to your doctor before using Ozempic

Then, is Ozempic insulin? The answer is no.

Yet, it helps your pancreas produce more insulin when your blood sugar is high.

Moreover, if you also suffer from heart disease, then Ozempic is for you.

But take it only if you are an adult dealing with diabetes.

Keep that in mind, alright?



Ozempic & Weight Loss

I'm going to repeat this over and over again, but I have to say it again.

Ozempic is not a drug designed to help you lose weight, but a drug for diabetes.

However, people recently started using it in order to lose weight, which I don't recommend.

That's also the reason why Ozempic has become so popular lately.

However, why do people who use Ozempic lose weight?

Well, that's because of its formula:

  • contains semaglutide (an active compound in Ozempic)
  • the dosage found in Ozempic is not high
  • this is rather a side effect of Ozempic, not its main goal

In fact, there are products designed to help you lose weight.

However, Ozempic is not one of them, remember that!

Now, let's see how semaglutide works and why people who use Ozempic lose weight.

Here's its mechanism of action: 

  • semaglutide improves the effects of the naturally occurring hormone GLP-1
  • this hormone can impact your weight
  • moreover, it reduces hunger and appetite cravings
  • slows the rate of stomach emptying by prolonging fullness and satiety

For the record, once you stop using Ozempic you will gain weight again.

So, it's pretty clear this is not a weight-loss drug.

Also, remember that it is advisable to keep a proper diet and to do exercises while taking Ozempic.

So it's pretty normal to lose weight, right?

Thus, probably losing weight is due not only to Ozempic but it is also the result of exercising.

That's why doctors also recommend you don't use Ozempic as a weight loss treatment.

Moreover, it is not even FDA-approved as a weight loss treatment. 

Hence, do not follow the trends in the media and try other ways to lose weight.



How Ozempic Affects Hair

Did I manage to convince you that Ozempic is not for weight loss?

If not, here's another reason why you shouldn't use it unless you have diabetes.

It seems that Ozempic can make your hair fall out

Even if this is not among the common side effects of Ozempic, some of its users experienced it.

In fact, people complained that they lose more hair when they brush it.

Others confessed that they observed chunks of hair coming out in the showers. 

Here are a few more details about this problem:

  • hair loss is not listed as a side effect of Ozempic
  • yet, people claim they experienced hair loss and thinning after using it
  • also, 3% of people in clinical trials experienced this side effect

This information proves that Ozempic can indeed cause hair loss.

However, only few of the people who use it might experience this side effect.

How come Ozempic can make your hair fall out?

Well, some of the causes might be these:

  • temporary hair loss might be caused by rapid weight loss
  • the name for this temporary loss is telogen effluvium 
  • this type of shedding can be triggered by many factors like stress, surgery, or pregnancy

 In other words, as Ozempic might cause weight loss, it might also make your hair fall.

So if you don't suffer from diabetes, surely you shouldn't use Ozempic.

However, if you are dealing with diabetes, it's up to you whether or not you use this drug. 

Yet, make sure you take an informed decision.



Ozempic’s Serious Side Reactions

Did you know that Ozempic can cause several side effects?

In fact, hair loss is not the only side effect Ozempic can trigger.

As you will see – it can cause many others, some of them being quite serious and severe.

That's why it is important to know the risks before you start using this drug.

Thus, here are some of the most common and serious side effects of Ozempic.

I'm sure you are eager to find them out, so let's dive into them!

1. Nausea & Vomiting

One of the side effects you might experience when using Ozempic is nausea.

In fact, this one is listed among the most common side effects of Ozempic.

Moreover, nausea can be accompanied by other side effects such as:

  • vomiting
  • stomach pain
  • loss of appetite

Also, those side effects were reported by people who participated in clinical trials.

Yet, for most people, nausea was mild and temporary.

What's more, people tend to experience nausea when they first start taking Ozempic or after a dose increase.

Other people might experience other symptoms such as vomiting and/or stomach pain.

Those should also reduce after a while.

However, if those symptoms don't ameliorate after a while, you should seek medical advice.

2. Hypoglycemia

What is hypoglycemia? Well, we call hypoglycemia a low blood sugar level. 

In other words, the level of sugar or glucose in your blood drops too low.

This can happen when you use Ozempic together with certain diabetes drugs. 

The symptoms you might experience are the following:

  • headache
  • confusion
  • drowsiness
  • weakness
  • irritability

In fact, people who are taking insulin together with Ozempic are more prone to experience this side effect.

Also, changes in your lifestyle may also put you at risk of experiencing hypoglycemia.

When I say changes I am talking about:

  • fasting
  • sudden changes in your diet

Moreover, an overdose of Ozempic is probable to cause hypoglycemia.

That's why it is important to take the exact dosage recommended by your doctor.

However, if you accidentally take an overdose, make sure you talk to a doctor. 

3. Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is also known as the inflammation of the pancreas.

In rare cases, Ozempic might cause pancreatitis or swelling of the pancreas. [2]

This can be either acute (known also as short-term pancreatitis) or chronic pancreatitis.

Which are the symptoms that signal you might be suffering from pancreatitis?:

  • pain or swelling in the abdomen
  • nausea and vomiting
  • back pain
  • fever

What to do in case you suspect you might suffer from pancreatitis?

You should discontinue the treatment with Ozempic and see a doctor.

In case acute pancreatitis is the confirmed diagnosis you should stop using Ozempic.

It means that Ozempic is not well tolerated by your organism and you should avoid it.

Your doctor will probably tell you this as well.

4. Kidney Damage or Failure

Renal failure is another rare, but serious side effect of Ozempic.

Besides the pancreas, Ozempic might negatively affect the kidneys too.

In this case, kidney damage or failure might appear.

The symptoms that indicate your kidneys might not tolerate well Ozempic are:

  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • confusion
  • a need to urinate less often or you produce less urine than usual
  • swelling in your ankles or legs

The good news is that kidney failure is reversible.

However, in case you suspect you have problems with your kidneys seek medical advice.

Only a doctor can tell you exactly what problem you have and give you proper treatment.

5. Diabetic Retinopathy

Do you know what diabetic retinopathy is?

If you don't suffer from diabetes you might not know this term.

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that can cause vision loss and blindness.

It usually affects people who have diabetes.

However, the use of Ozempic can be associated with higher rates of diabetic retinopathy.

Also, some of the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy are:

  • blurry vision
  • seeing dark spots
  • poor night vision
  • vision loss

As you can see, this is a serious condition that can affect the quality of your life.

So if you notice one or more of these symptoms, stop using Ozempic.

Also, like in the case of the other side effects of Ozempic, make sure you see a doctor. 

Do not overlook those symptoms because your vision might deteriorate even more.

6. Diarrhea or Constipation

Other pretty common side effects of Ozempic are diarrhea and constipation.

In fact, diarrhea can accompany other symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

Why does diarrhea appear when using Ozempic?

Well, here are the reasons:

  • semaglutide can trigger various side effects among which is diarrhea 
  • semaglutide is one of the active components of Ozempic
  • yet, it is not well tolerated by all people

The good news is that diarrhea should subside after a couple of weeks of using Ozempic.

However, if this side effect annoys you, you can try keeping it under control.

Here are some tips that might help you:

  • avoid foods high in sugar and fats
  • eat foods high in water (for example, soups)
  • eat more slowly

Actually, diarrhea is not the only side effect Ozempic causes. [3]

You can also experience constipation. I don't even know which is worse, diarrhea or constipation.

Anyway, both of them are not something you want to experience.

So why does Ozempic cause constipation?:

  • Ozempic slows down the digestive system
  • thus, constipation appears when stool builds up in the intestine and it's hard to pass

Unfortunately, this is another common side effect of Ozempic.

So, if you start using it, it is very probable you will experience either diarrhea or constipation.

In case you want to relieve constipation, here are some recommendations:

  • eat more fiber
  • drink plenty of water

Those should help you deal with constipation.

So, what do you think? Is Ozempic worth trying?

7. Thyroid Cancer

This is one of the most serious side effects of Ozempic.

Even the FDA warns people that Ozempic might increase the risk of developing thyroid cancer.

Moreover, the ones that say this are studies on animals.

Here's what you need to know:

  • studies showed that Ozempic increased the risk of thyroid tumors in animals
  • yet, it is not known yet to what extent this applies to humans too

However, it is better to prevent a problem than to treat it, right?

So, in the following cases it is better to avoid Ozempic:

  • you or a member of your family has or had thyroid cancer
  • a family member or you have or had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2
  • this is a rare endocrine condition that increases the risk of thyroid cancer

Thus, make sure you know this information before using Ozempic.

Moreover, there are some symptoms that indicate a thyroid problem:

  • a lump or mass in the neck
  • a hoarse voice 
  • trouble breathing
  • trouble swallowing

If you experience some of these symptoms while using Ozempic, make sure you go to the doctor.

Also, stop the treatment with this drug.

However, if you have or had thyroid cancer it is better not even to try taking Ozempic.


Ozempic is one of the drugs for diabetes that can trigger various side effects.

Some of the most common ones are diarrhea, constipation, nausea, or vomiting.

Yet, it can also cause more serious side effects.

Those are pancreatitis, kidney damage, hypoglycemia, diabetic retinopathy, or even thyroid cancer.

That's why before using Ozempic it is recommended to be aware of all those risks.

Also, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned here, make sure you seek medical advice.



When To Use Ozempic

The answer is short: only when the doctor recommends it!

I can't emphasize this enough. Ozempic is a drug prescribed only for diabetes.

Under no circumstances should you use it as a drug for weight loss.

It is not designed as a drug for weight loss and so you shouldn't use it to lose weight.

There are many other ways in which you can lose weight, ways that are safe. 

Moreover, even if you have diabetes and you want to try it, you should be careful.

There are some situations when Ozempic is not recommended:

  • you are pregnant or you suspect you are pregnant
  • you are breastfeeding
  • you have or had pancreas problems
  • you have or had kidney problems
  • you are allergic to semaglutide or Ozempic
  • a family member or even you have or had thyroid problems (thyroid cancer or others)

In those cases, it is better to stay away from Ozempic.

Also, before taking it make sure you know what side effects Ozempic can trigger.

Take an informed decision and ask a doctor's advice to be sure Ozempic is what you need.

Only your doctor can tell you what dosage is perfect for you and your organism.



Final Conclusion

Ozempic is an injectable drug specially designed for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

However, lately, people started using it as a treatment for weight loss. 

That's why it is important to know that Ozempic should not be used to lose weight.

This is an FDA-approved drug for diabetes, not weight loss. 

Moreover, Ozempic can trigger various side effects. 

So, one of the questions people ask is this: does Ozempic cause hair loss?

The answer is yes. However, only a few people experienced this side effect.

Also, among the side effects that appear frequently are:

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • constipation

Yet, those should be reduced after a couple of weeks of using Ozempic. 

The bad news is that Ozempic can cause serious side effects too:

  • hypoglycemia
  • pancreatitis
  • kidney failure
  • diabetic retinopathy
  • thyroid cancer

What do you do then? Well, if you want to use Ozempic it is better to seek medical advice.

In this way, you will know whether or not Ozempic is good for you.

Also, only a doctor can tell you what dosage works for you and your problem.

So keep in mind that Ozempic is not a drug that you can take randomly. 


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Written by 

Sara is passionate about health, beauty and cosmetics. She likes to do research and to find new information about various medical topics. You can connect with her via Linkedin.

Last updated: January 11, 2025

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