My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) – Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?

My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) - Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?

It's time for my Fitspresso review – which is a weight loss supplement trending right now.

But does it actually work? And more importantly – is it legit/real? 

Despite its numerous complaints and negative feedback – it's not as bad as some people claim:

  • ingredients have clinical evidence behind (related to weight loss)
  • side effects aren't too common

The major problem seems to be the high number of fake versions sold online (especially on Amazon and retailers).

For this reason – people who end up using the fake product tend to have pretty poor results.

That's where all these complaints come from.

In other words – they're not necessarily related to the original product…

But we will talk about this in detail in the following lines.

Note: This review is based on my opinion + research on Fitspresso.

Review Summary

Full Name: Fitspresso from BuyGoods

My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) - Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?Product Type: Weight Loss Supplement

Best Actual Price: $59 (you can get it for up to $39/bottle)

Cheapest Place To Buy: Its official website

The original version is only available there – so make sure to avoid all the products sold on retailers or anywhere else.

Designed For: Promoting weight loss thorough boosting metabolism.

It doesn't claim to miraculously melt off your fat (as some sources say).

Instead – it's meant to support your weight loss process additionally (so it should be combined with exercise and a healthy diet).

My Rating: 8.50 out of 10

Recommended?: Pretty much yes – as long as you get the original version:

  • can indeed speed up metabolism
  • helps you burn fat a lot faster than normal
  • also helps keep blood sugar within the normal limits

Again – it's not a miraculous weight loss solution.

But if you use it as it's meant to be used (supporting you in your weight loss journey), it can help a lot.

So I would totally recommend it, as long as you don't make some unrealistic expectations from it.

Just make sure to avoid the fake versions (you can recognise them after that “coffee loophole” story).



What I Liked About It

  • Interesting formula, based on several herbs and ingredients beneficial for weight loss
  • A lot of its ingredients have research behind
  • Pretty easy to take
  • Not very expensive for a weight loss supplement
  • Pretty low rate of side effects (for the original version)
  • Quite effective for weight loss if used correctly


What I Didn't Like About It

  • A lot of fake versions sold online
  • Lots of complaints and negative feedback (which is actually referring to the fake versions)
  • Hard to tell the difference between the original product and the false ones
  • Original version is only sold on the official website 


Why Fitspresso's Complaints Are Not Real

First of all – let's make an overview of this Fitspresso review.

And by far the #1 thing people know about it is that it's a scam – but is it actually so?

This is all because of the FAKE “coffee loophole” story that Fitspresso is (incorrectly) associated with.

And this story appeared because of the fake versions of Fitspresso.

In short – the fake versions are indeed a scam, but the original is not. Here's what I mean:

  1. The original Fitspresso is only sold on the official website.
  2. It doesn't have any miraculous claims or say that it would burn fat overnight.
  3. There's no such thing as “coffee loophole” there.
  4. It's only promoted as an “additional weight loss help”.

My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) - Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?

Now, here's the exact story.

At one point, the original Fitspresso became popular out of nowhere.

That's when a lot of brands started producing fake versions of this supplement.

In order to boost their sales, they created an emotional story about a “coffee loophole” – according to it:

  1. Fitspresso can magically make you burn fat overnight.
  2. You don't have to diet or work out at all.
  3. All you have to do is to add it into your morning coffee.
  4. This would create a “coffee loophole” that would magically melt off your fat.

Unfortunately, a lot of people fell into this trap and got scammed.

You can see all these complaints on Fitspresso on TrustPilot.

However, what these people don't know is that they never used the real Fitspresso:

  • that one isn't sold on any retailer or 3rd party website
  • it also doesn't have any “coffee loophole” claim

So people got scammed thinking they used Fitspresso, when they actually did not.

That's why the product has all this negative feedback about it, when it actually shouldn't.

It's certainly not the best weight loss supplement out there.

But it's also not a scam – as people complaint.

At least not the original…

So if you do want to try this product, always get it from the official website ONLY.

However, set some realistic expectations from it – because trust me, it won't burn your fat overnight!




#1 – How It Works & Producer

Firstly – let's start with Fitspresso's basic details:

  • the producer behind it
  • how it actually works for weight loss
  • what additional health issues it helps
1. How It Works

According to its official page – Fitspresso's formula works in 3 different ways:

  1. Increases your body's metabolic speed.
  2. Supports the actual fat burning process.
  3. Prevents further weight gain.

It does all that because of the mix of ingredients it's based on.

Now – some sources claim Fitspresso is a scam because of the “coffee loophole” story.

According to this story, you would add this supplement into your coffee and burn fat overnight.

This is clearly a fake story, as there's no product or drug that can actually do this.

However, this “coffee loophole” story isn't actually related to the original Fitspresso:

  1. Instead – it was created for one of the fake version of this supplement.
  2. But unfortunately, most people aren't aware of this.
  3. So they associate it with the original Fitspresso.

So whenever you hear this story, remember that it's not true.

However – the original Fitspresso has nothing to do with this story…

Instead, it's just a natural supplement designed to boost weight loss additionally (not miraculously) – which it actually does.

So if you take it as it is and you have some normal expectations from it – it can really help.

Otherwise, it's not worth giving it a shot.

2. Company Behind

The producer behind this product is BuyGoods.

This is a company that's behind many other supplements I reviewed throughout the years.

So from this point of view – it's completely legitimate.

Besides, they also offer refunds and have specific money back guarantees for their products.

That's why I personally wouldn't worry too much about this brand's trustworthiness.



#2 – Ingredients (7 out of 10)

Fitspresso's formula isn't anything incredible – compared to other weight loss supplements.

However, it's definitely not too bad either.

Instead – I would say it's above the average, which I why I do recommend it.

It's not my top pick, that's for sure (All Day Slimming Tea it still much better in terms of ingredients).

But if you're specifically interested in Fitspresso – its composition is not bad:

  • mostly based on herbal extracts and natural ingredients
  • most of its compounds have clinical evidence behind
  • overall formula has some variety

The only issue is that there are no individual doses for the Proprietary Blend.

Even though this is pretty common in supplements – the overall dose is quite low (112 mg).

So I doubt this blend alone could be super effective.

But other than that, let's analyze its ingredients in more detail.

So if you're curious, here are the 19 herbal ingredients in the tea:

  1. Zinc – restricts appetite and promotes fat burning [1]
  2. Chromium – can lower body fat percentage [2]
  3. Alpha Lipoic Acid – is an antioxidant that mostly helps with short term weight loss
  4. Green Tea – lowers blood sugar levels and related inflammation
  5. Berberine – can reduce body index mass (BMI) [3]
  6. Resveratrol – reduces cells' ability to store fat by up to 80% [4]
  7. Proprietary Blend – Silymarin, Cayenne Pepper, Ginseng, Banaba, L-Carnitine etc.

Again – the overall formula looks good, except for the low dose of the final blend.

That's why Fitspresso's composition isn't the best out there, in my view.

It can work – but mostly if you pair it with a diet and exercise.

It's by no means strong enough to burn fat on its own (as some fake sources claim).


Fitspresso does have a pretty good formula for a weight loss supplement.

But its ingredients aren't super strong – nor super concentrated. 

That's why you shouldn't expect miracles from this product or use it on its own only.




#3 – Consistency & Dosage (9 out of 10)

In this chapter, we're going to look at the general features of Fitspresso.

1. Consistency

In terms of looks, this product looks pretty much like a regular supplement:

  • normally-sized pills
  • no smell or aftertaste
  • easy to swallow

Yes, teas and drinks may be easier and more convenient to take.

That's probably why people created that “coffee loophole” story about Fitspresso.

But there's nothing true about it – so you would only take this supplement as pills, not put it into your coffee or anything like this.

2. Dosage

Fitspresso has a pretty standard serving size – 2 capsules per day.

There's no specific recommendation on the label as to when exactly you should take it.

In this case – you're allowed to take it whenever you prefer:

  • either 2 different times a day
  • or both pills at once

All in all – taking this product is pretty simple.



#4 – Results (7 out of 10)

Like I said throughout this review – Fitspresso has a few problems at this chapter.

There are a lot of complaints about it, but most are referring to the fake versions sold on retailers:

  1. Unfortunately – most people can't tell the difference.
  2. That's why they buy the cheaper versions sold on Amazon and other retailers.
  3. However – those aren't the same as the original, that's why they don't really work.

So the original Fitspresso's user feedback is a lot better than what it seems like.

Note: I only considered authentic reviews, not promotional/fake ones.

1. What People Say

One of the websites I use to find authentic reviews is TrustPilot.

But in this case – there are a lot of complaints on Fitspresso (its overall rating is 1.3/5).

However, after going over the reviews – I realized they're all complaining about the fake versions:

  1. Everyone talks about the “coffee loophole” story.
  2. Apparently, there's a 40-minutes long video with this story tricking them into buying the product.
  3. The website is not the same as the official one.

In other words – there are scammers taking advantage of Fitspresso's popularity making up an emotional story.

That's why people are so angry at this product.

However, the original Fitspresso doesn't do any of these things:

  • it has a simple product page where you can order
  • there's no video or emotional story
  • it also has some user pictures showing the product (they seem really authentic)

For this reason – take the negative feedback of this product with a grain of salt.

All these complaints are not referring to the original Fitspresso, but to the fake versions.

So make sure to avoid those at all costs.

If you decide you want to try the product, always go for the official website ONLY.


Fitspresso's negative reviews aren't really relevant, as they're all referring to some fake versions.

Instead – the original seems to have a pretty positive reputation.

Again, it's not a miracle-maker for weight loss (as some people expect).

But if you use it as an additional resource in your weight loss journey, it can actually help a lot!




#5 – Side Effects (9 out of 10)

My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) - Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?From this point of view, there isn't much to say about Fitspresso.

Again – I won't be referring to any of the complaints from TrustPilot, as they're not relevant for the original product. 

Instead – in terms of ingredients, this product seems to be pretty safe:

  • its compounds don't cause any side reactions on a regular basis
  • there are no major risks of interactions with other drugs

Now – I still recommend you to ask your doctor's consent, especially if you're on any prescription treatment.

But all in all, Fitspresso isn't the kind of product that could make you too worried about its side reactions.



#6 – Price (8 out of 10)

In my view, Fitspresso's price is pretty average for a weight loss product.

I mean – most supplements of this kind cost around the same amount.

1. The Exact Price

Like I said – I only recommend ordering Fitspresso from its official website…

That as long as you want to get the original version.

Yes, the price may be lower on Amazon or on any other retailers (even the “coffee loophole” story sells it for less).

But keep in mind that you're getting a totally different composition.

And don't forget about the high number of complaints people have on those versions.

Back to the original product, here's the price range it has:

  • One month's supply costs $59
  • Three month's supply costs $49/pack
  • Six month's supply costs $39/pack
  • Offers free shipping for 3 packs and above
  • There's no auto-shipping or anything like that

Yes, Fitspresso's price isn't the lowest for what it contains (I'm talking about the original).

But again – that's pretty much what weight loss supplements tend to cost right now.

If you feel like it's too pricey, you can certainly go for a more effective product (like All Day Slimming Tea):

  • costs about the same
  • its formula is much better and effective

But speaking specifically about the price, Fitspresso isn't extremely expensive (at least compared to others).

2. Worth It Or Not?

It really depends.

If you're interested in giving it a try (and you don't want to try something else) – it can be a good option.

But again, make sure you set realistic expectations right from the start.

Because if you're hoping it will miraculously melt off your fat, that won't be the case.

Instead – if you pair it with the right diet and exercise, Fitspresso can definitely help.

It's all about what you're expecting from it!


Fitspresso has quite an average price for a weight loss product.

It's certainly not super affordable – but it's not more expensive than others either.

So it's all up to what you're willing to pay for it.

Either way – if you want to buy it, make sure to order ONLY from the official website!




#7 – Final Conclusions

Overall – here are my major points about Fitspresso.

1. Fake “Coffee Loophole” Story

If you're heard any criticism about this supplement – it's not because of its formula.

Instead, it's because of a fake “coffee loophole” story going around on the Internet.

According to it:

  • adding Fitspresso to your coffee can miraculously make you lose weight
  • it creates a certain “coffee loophole” that burns fat overnight

Well, this story is certainly very false.

In fact – it's not even available on Fitspresso's official website.

You can only find it on the websites trying to sell you a fake version of this product.

So make sure to never buy Fitspresso from any website that mentions its “coffee loophole” story.

It's completely false and misleading.

2. Average Formula

Fitspresso's formula is certainly not the best one out there, to be honest.

Like I said – it's certainly not bad and its ingredients are promising. However:

  • most of its herbs are listed together in a blend
  • there are no individual doses
  • the overall dose is on the lower side

So even though the product can be effective – it's not a weight loss miracle.

Considering its formula, it could never make any sort of miracles of this kind.

At least not on its own…

3. Pay Attention To Retailers

Like I said – if you do want to give Fitspresso a try, always go for its official website.

It's the only one selling the original (authentic) version of this product.

Plus – it's the only one that is actually effective. 

No retailer or 3rd party website has access to the original version – instead:

  • they're all selling false version
  • a lot of them cost less
  • but the formula and ingredient quality is totally different

For this reason – make sure to avoid retailers selling Fitspresso at all costs.



My Verdict – Worth It Or Not?

Short answer: Pretty much yes.

My Fitspresso Review (Ingredients, Side Effects & More) - Is It Legit? Does It Really Work?But I would only recommend it if you have realistic expectations from it.

It's not a miracle solution for weight loss (as some sources try to claim).

But it certainly has a lot of good points:

  1. Pretty good ingredients with research behind
  2. Effective for a lot of people who use it correctly
  3. Can also help balance high blood sugar and energy
  4. Doesn't interact with most prescription treatments
  5. Price is pretty average for a product of this kind

Is Fitspresso my top recommendation for weight loss? Definitely not!

If that's what you're looking for, take a look at this incredible tea.

As for Fitspresso…

It's not strong enough to help you lose weight on its own (without dieting or exercise).

But if you combine it with any of those, it can certainly help.

The only requirement is to go for the original version that can only be found on the official website.

All the other products are false (especially if they talk about that “coffee loophole”).

So pay attention to this and decide for yourself whether Fitspresso is right for you or not!

Written by 

Oltea Roman is a registered pharmacist with a long experience in the health field. She graduated from University of Medicine and Pharmacy and has studies in Cosmetology, Dermatology, Toxicology and several others. She has a 2 years experience as a retail pharmacist. You can connect with her via Linkedin or email.

Fact Checked by Oltea Roman, Pharm. D.

Last updated: October 1, 2024

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